Saturday 27 February 2016

Dagu mini driver alternative programs.

For those who bought the Dagu robot, these are the alternative program to start with .
You can find more information at Dawn robotics blog .

Demo program for a car controlled by Dagu mini driver.
You can actually turn this program into a line tracker using IR sensor like TCRT5000,
or using sonar sensor to detect walls.
Hope this make a good start. If you need, change the motor speed as needed.
// Demo program for the Dagu Arduino Mini Driver. Uses dead reckoning
// to try to drive a robot in a square
const int LEFT_MOTOR_DIR_PIN = 7;
const int LEFT_MOTOR_PWM_PIN = 9;
const int RIGHT_MOTOR_DIR_PIN = 8;
const int RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM_PIN = 10;
const int DRIVE_FORWARD_TIME_MS = 1500;
const int TURN_TIME_MS = 2000;
void setup()
    // Setup the pins
void loop()
    // Drive forwards at 100%
    // Try changing the maximum value to 100 if your car is running too fast.  
    digitalWrite( LEFT_MOTOR_DIR_PIN, HIGH );
    digitalWrite( RIGHT_MOTOR_DIR_PIN, HIGH );
    analogWrite( LEFT_MOTOR_PWM_PIN, 255 );
    analogWrite( RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM_PIN, 255 );
    // Turn right at 50%. Stop right motor on left motor.
    // you can change the value from 128 to lower. 
    digitalWrite( LEFT_MOTOR_DIR_PIN, HIGH );
    digitalWrite( RIGHT_MOTOR_DIR_PIN, LOW );
    analogWrite( LEFT_MOTOR_PWM_PIN, 128 );
    analogWrite( RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM_PIN, 128 );
    delay( TURN_TIME_MS );

With these, you can easily start you Dagu vehicle.
You can check out Dawn robotics for their program with Bluetooth, which could be harder for some to understand.

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